
What do you need to become an insurance executive?

What do you need to become an insurance executive?

Insurance News


What is the most in-demand trait in the executive suite right now? A unique combination of social skills, adaptability, and big picture thinking.

This is according to Martina Seferovic (pictured), CEO/President of Outsource Insurance Professionals. Talking to Business insuranceLeading with empathy and understanding is not just a “nice to have” trait for a leader, but a strategic necessity, Seferovic said.

“Traditionally, in any large industry or organization, CEOs had to have an operational and financial background, accounting and scientific knowledge – and they needed to be able to do everything themselves,” she said. “Now, the most desired trait is social skills. A carefully designed strategy, delivered with passion and keeping internal and external customers in mind, is a must in today’s competitive environment.

Internal and external customers

The idea of ​​internal and external customers is something Seferovic believes strongly in. Obviously, satisfying external customers is a primary goal for growth – but it can’t be achieved if your employees aren’t happy.

“Leading with empathy shows (engagement) of both employees and customers,” she said. Business insurance. “Because if I talk the talk, I need to walk the walk. This means that every interaction with my customer will not only be through me, but through all the people in the organization. I can see that our employees are happy, and they are satisfied because we believe in them – we reward them.” We recognize their performance and give them time, guidance and a voice.

The idea of ​​leading with empathy is not a new one, but it is becoming increasingly popular after the pandemic. According to OC Tanner’s 2024 Global Culture Report, when organizations educate and empower leaders to act with empathy, the odds of employee satisfaction increase by 894%. Furthermore, when recognition is built into the culture, the odds of engagement increase by 7x and the desire to stay by 3x.

For Seferovic, commitment to people is evident in care and commitment to education and training. With OIP having been in business for 12 years now, Seferovic believes it is addressing a challenge that has been facing its sector for more than a decade.

“What was the driving factor when we founded our company still holds true – it is the insurance industry’s need for knowledgeable and educated talent,” she told IB. “This is the thing that we help our clients with – that is a sign of true partnership. I hear from a lot of companies that there is a knowledge gap, a talent and skills gap – and it does exist. This is influenced by a lot of external factors that are uncontrollable, but I say, let’s We focus on what we can control.

Insurance training approach

The training approach at OIP and OIP Robotics is rigorous and comprehensive. New entrants undergo six months training in general insurance, supplemented by mandatory continuing education courses of up to 30 hours per year throughout their careers. Seferovic proudly pointed to the high tenure of the company’s employees, which is evidence of the effectiveness of their investment in training and promoting employees from within, as well as technological progress and efficiency both internally and at the customer level.

This culture of support runs at the core of the OIP office – especially when it comes to implementing new technologies, where Seferovic is passionate about maintaining a human-centric approach. While her organization primarily provides back-office underwriting support, it devotes a significant portion of its efforts — 20 to 30% — toward insurance-specific technology solutions designed by technology experts who understand the nuances of insurance.

“Most organizations out there, unless they are only two or three years old, were not built to live in a generative AI environment — so we definitely need to learn and adapt,” she said. “I don’t think we can make strategies ’10 years from today’, but we need to keep our eyes and ears open to the trends – because it’s amazing how innovative the insurance industry is.”

The power of innovation is something Seferovic has seen time and time again while working on the Forbes Business Council — and something she considers a true privilege.

“Being a member of the Forbes Business Council Forum is an honor for me as it is a platform that connects leaders from various industries at an international level,” she told IB. “But like any other accolade, it’s what you get from it. It can be just a badge to add to your resume or you can actually grow your network and connect with other leaders to be in the loop of continuous learning — which is what I try to do.”

The idea of ​​networking as today’s currency struck a chord with Seferovic, underscoring the importance of connections and relationships built within professional circles. There has been something of a shift in how value is perceived and created in the business world, where the wealth of an individual’s network greatly influences his or her success.

“Because if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re doing something wrong,” Seferovic added.

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