
These REITs are better than real estate income

Richard Drury

Realty Income (O) is one of the most popular REITs in the world, and it’s easy to understand why.

The company has been able to pay increasing monthly dividends for 30 years in a row. Not even the dot-com crash,

Adc Hey
Market value 6 billion dollars 46 billion dollars

Real estate income Agree on real estate
Investment grade tenants ~35% ~70%
Ground rents as part of the portfolio ~1% 12%
The largest tenant Walgreens (WBA) (more serious) Walmart (WMT) (Safer)
Cost of equity ~7.5% ~6.5%
Spreads on new investments ~50-100 bp ~100-150 bp
Recent insider purchases Worth $1.7 million Actions In 2023 Worth $7.1 million Purchases In 2023
Debt maturities in the next five years (until 2028) Nearly $10 billion Only $108 million
Payout ratio 77% 72%
The expected internal growth rate in the coming years ~2% ~3%

Adc Hey
Multiple FFO 14.8x 13x

Visi Hey
Market value 30 billion dollars 46 billion dollars

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