
APCIA pushes for Labor Day reforms

APCIA pushes for Labor Day reforms

Insurance News

By Jonalyn Cueto

The American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) met for its legislative action day this week, making a major push for policy change.

Among the focal points of discussion was the pervasive issue of abuse of the legal system, which significantly impacts insurance access and affordability nationwide. Neil Winicki, APCIA’s senior vice president for federal government relations, emphasized the harmful effects of abusive practices by plaintiffs’ attorneys, stressing that unnecessary lawsuits drive up costs for consumers across sectors, from essentials like gas and groceries to insurance premiums.

Additionally, the event served as a platform to support initiatives aimed at strengthening mitigation and resilience efforts, which is essential to promoting sustainable communities and may lead to more accessible and affordable insurance coverage for consumers. Central to these efforts is the reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program, with APCIA calling for reforms to expand consumer choice by expanding the private market, ensuring stability for the millions who rely on National Flood Insurance Program coverage.

Additionally, APCIA called for proactive measures to mitigate the risk of devastating wildfires, endorsing the comprehensive recommendations from the Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Committee. These recommendations emphasize preventive measures such as reducing fuel consumption and strengthening infrastructure to protect communities and the environment.

To address consumer concerns about escalating parts and labor costs, APCIA has also called for legislative solutions such as the Reform Act and the SMART Act. These measures aim to mitigate repair costs by prioritizing consumer access, safety and choice, thus enabling economical and safe vehicle repairs.

“By updating existing laws and regulations, Congress will help consumers repair their vehicles in a safe and economical manner,” Vinicke noted.

APCIA members have participated in more than 70 meetings with key lawmakers from various congressional committees, including Senate Banking, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Senate Judiciary, House Financial Services, House Energy and Commerce, and House Transportation and Infrastructure. Representatives.

Winicki stressed the importance of the gathering, saying, “APCIA and our members were pleased to join together this week to advance the casualty insurance industry’s priorities on Capitol Hill, including solutions to address the insurance affordability and availability challenges facing families, individuals, and business owners.”

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