
Customer Experience – Are you giving them what they are looking for?

Customer Experience – Are you giving them what they are looking for?



The following article was provided by SolePro.

In today’s digital world, the insurance industry is rapidly evolving to meet the demands of tech-savvy customers. Gone are the days when customers were content with long, cumbersome processes to get insurance quotes. Now, they expect speed, convenience, and accuracy – all through a seamless online experience. For insurance agents, this shift presents both a challenge and an opportunity. So, are you providing your customers with the user experience and quote experience they are looking for?

Digital Transformation of Insurance

Insurance customer expectations have changed dramatically in recent years. According to J.D. Power, 70% of customers prefer an insurance company that offers an online quote process. This preference is not just a trend, it is a fundamental shift in how people want to interact with insurance providers. The convenience and speed of online processes have become a basic expectation rather than a nice-to-have feature.

Furthermore, a study by FinTech Global found that 82% of customers said they would be more likely to purchase insurance from a company that offers instant quotes on its website. This statistic highlights the critical role that instant quote capabilities play in influencing purchasing decisions. In a competitive market, offering instant quotes can be a differentiator that attracts and retains customers.

Impact on customer loyalty and acquisition

Customer loyalty is closely tied to the quality of the user experience. Kearney’s Consumer Purchasing Survey found that 67% of customers are more likely to switch to an insurer that offers instant online quotes. This finding underscores the risks traditional insurers face if they fail to adapt to new digital expectations. Conversely, those who embrace instant quotes can seize the opportunity to lure dissatisfied customers away from competitors.

Mobile accessibility is another key factor. According to a Google study of mobile insurance shoppers, 51% of consumers are more likely to buy insurance from a company that offers mobile-friendly pricing. This statistic is especially important as more consumers use their smartphones to manage various aspects of their lives, including buying insurance.

Improve user experience and conversion rates

A report from LexisNexis Risk Solutions found that 71% of insurance shoppers prefer a digital purchase process, and 59% prefer an online application process. This preference for digital interactions means that insurance agents should prioritize creating a seamless online experience. An analysis by Insurify found that insurance websites with an instant quote feature have a 30% higher conversion rate than those without it. This increased conversion rate can significantly boost an agency’s bottom line, which is why SolePro now offers selected agencies a custom instant quote form to add to their website.

Personalization is another critical element of user experience. This desire for personalized service can be met with advanced quote platforms that use customer data to accurately customize quotes.

The importance of transparency and simplicity

Customers expect not only speed and convenience, but also transparency and simplicity in the quoting process. The J.D. Power Digital Insurance Experience Survey found that 80% of customers expect a smooth and streamlined quoting process. Additionally, 88% of customers want a clear and concise explanation of coverage options during the quoting process. These expectations underscore the importance of providing an easy-to-use and informative online quoting experience.

Transparency and simplicity are also linked to trust. Transparency builds trust, making customers more likely to buy and stay loyal.

Increase engagement and retention

Engagement and customer retention are important metrics for any insurance agency. One analysis found that insurance sites with an instant quote feature had a 43% higher engagement rate than those without it. What’s more, 61% of users say that if they don’t find what they’re looking for within five seconds or so, they’ll move on to another site. These statistics show that offering instant quotes not only attracts new customers, but also keeps existing customers engaged and loyal.

The role of personal information and additional coverage

Personal information plays a pivotal role in providing accurate and personalized quotes. According to Spiceworks, 76% of customers are comfortable sharing their personal information in exchange for a more accurate and personalized quote. This willingness to share information underscores the importance of secure and reliable data processing processes.

Furthermore, offering additional coverage options during the quoting process can lead to increased sales. In fact, according to a survey, 66% of customers said they were more likely to purchase additional coverage options if they were offered during the quoting process. This statistic highlights the potential for increased sales when customers are offered personalized recommendations.

The competitive advantage of mobile-friendly quotes

Mobile-friendly pricing isn’t just a feature; it’s a necessity. Google’s Mobile Insurance Shoppers Study found that 49% of customers are more likely to trust an insurance company that offers a mobile-friendly quote process. This trust can translate into higher conversion rates and customer loyalty. Plus, users are 67% more likely to make a purchase if a site is mobile-friendly.

Agent Solution: InsurForm by SolePro

For insurance agents looking to meet these evolving customer expectations, SolePro’s InsurForm offers a powerful solution. InsurForm is a direct-to-customer instant quote form designed specifically for insurance agents, enabling them to seamlessly deliver fast and accurate quotes.

Key Features of InsurForm:

  • Instant quotes: InsurForm allows agents to provide instant quotes. Clients can get quotes in less than a minute, meeting their needs for speed and convenience. Currently, workers’ compensation is provided through InsurForm.
  • Multi-carrier integration: InsurForm integrates with multiple insurance companies, allowing agents to compare prices from different providers. This feature ensures that customers get the best possible coverage at competitive prices.
  • User-friendly interface: InsurForm is designed with simplicity in mind, the user interface is easy to navigate, enhancing user experience and increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Personal quotes: InsurForm uses quoting algorithms to provide personalized quotes based on individual customer needs and business information, in line with the 81% of customers who want personalized insurance quotes.
  • Mobile Accessibility: InsurForm is optimized for mobile, ensuring customers can access quotes anytime, anywhere. This feature targets the 51% of customers who prefer a mobile-friendly quote process.
  • No programming required: It is a copy and paste link that agents can share with insureds through the website, marketing materials, emails or text messages.
  • Branded storefront: Agencies can customize the template with their own agency logo.
  • Tracking and dispatch management: Agencies can track and manage every completed submission by their clients from the SolePro Client Dashboard.
  • free: The template is free for agencies appointed by SolePro. There are no minimums, fees or requirements. You own your book.


In today’s highly competitive commercial insurance industry, providing an exceptional user experience and quote process is no longer optional – it’s essential. Statistics clearly show that customers prefer and expect instant, personalized, and easy-to-use quotes via mobile devices. By implementing a powerful solution like SolePro’s InsurForm, insurance agents can meet these expectations, leading to increased customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.

Now, give your customers the user experience and quoting experience they are looking for. Embrace the future of insurance with instant quotes and watch your business thrive.


Visit SolePro for more information about InsurForm. Or schedule a 15-minute discussion about how InsurForm can take your business to the next level.

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