investment Brazil continues to lead growth (NYSE:DESP)

Thomas Barwick

Investment Thesis: I have a bullish view on

In a previous article in March, I made the argument that (New York Stock Exchange: Desp) has the potential for further upside in the future, due to strong growth in

December 22 December 23 March 24
Long term debt 5119 2262 1944
Total assets 804172 898334 886062
The ratio of long-term debt to total assets 0.64% 0.25% 0.22%

December 22 December 23 March 24
Cash and cash equivalents 219167 214576 181495
Accounts receivable 147806 183393 204494
Total current orders 564466 671080 657754
Fast rate 0.65 0.59 0.59

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