
More than half of organizations do not have flood action plans

More than half of organizations do not have flood action plans

Disasters and Floods

Written by Terry Jangkwangco

A recent study by flood forecasting and water management company Previsico revealed that 54% of public and private organizations lack a flood action plan despite the increasing risks associated with climate change.

A Previsico survey found that more than half of respondents “do not have a plan in place” to address the severe disruption and financial burden caused by flooding.

Meanwhile, some have pointed out that flood damage could be catastrophic for small businesses. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 40% of small and medium-sized businesses in the United States fail to reopen after a disaster such as a major flood.

In the UK, flood losses already exceed £1 billion a year, according to the UK government’s Foresight into Future Floods report. And with climate change worsening and pressures on urban development increasing, flood risks are expected to increase fivefold by 2050.

However, Previsico cited a positive note: Research by Lloyd’s Laboratory suggests that 70% of commercial flood losses could be mitigated by using Previsico’s advanced warning systems, which help businesses take preventative action before flooding occurs.

“It is critical for companies to think about how they can drive actionable change in the face of climate challenges,” said Jonathan Jackson, CEO of Previsico (pictured).

“Our new survey data highlights how some businesses are not taking flood risk seriously. We believe in providing people with the right tools to reduce the impact of flooding in a way that enables them to prepare, act and prevent.”

Previsico stressed that developing a flood action plan is critical to effectively managing potential flood scenarios, from identifying areas at risk to training employees on emergency response procedures. A structured flood action plan is designed to significantly reduce the risk to businesses and homeowners alike.

Camp Jackson offers customized expertise aimed at mitigating future flood losses. The company’s plans are enhanced by actionable alerts issued 48 hours before flooding, leveraging advanced data modeling and real-time IoT sensors to ensure accuracy.

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