
Most Employees Fear Retirement More Than Death and Divorce: Study

Most Employees Fear Retirement More Than Death and Divorce: Study

Business Strategy


More than six in 10 U.S. employees fear retirement more than death and divorce, a new report says, highlighting financial concerns in the workforce.

A LiveCareer survey of 1,031 employees found that 80% of employees plan to retire in their 60s.

However, 82% are already considering postponing their retirement for financial reasons, and 92% are concerned that they may have to work longer than planned.

In fact, employees said they feared retirement more than:

  • Divorce (64%)
  • Death (61%)
  • Get the package (54%)
  • Being in poor health (53%).

These concerns come amid financial worries in the workplace, including becoming a financial burden (39%) and not saving enough for medical emergencies or unexpected costs (39%) after retirement.

“Our survey reveals that financial stability is a top concern among respondents, with many fearing they won’t be able to afford retirement and keep up with basic necessities like healthcare, or that they may become a financial burden on loved ones,” Jasmine Escalera, a career expert at Life Career, said in a statement.

financial anxiety

According to the report, 59% of employees are concerned about rising long-term care costs in retirement.

Another 52% worry about making bad investment decisions and losing their retirement money. Others cited retirement concerns:

  • Feeling disconnected from society (48%)
  • Difficulty adjusting to a new routine or lifestyle (46%)
  • Maintaining the required standard of living in retirement (45%)
  • Potential changes in government benefits (44%)
  • – Feeling insecure about the stability of their investments (41%)
  • Medical expenses (41%)
  • Inflation (30%)

The findings underscore the importance of planning for retirement, Escalera said.

“Workers should take proactive steps to fully understand the retirement and financial planning services their employers offer,” she said.

“This includes knowing the difference between 401(k) and Roth accounts, understanding company matching programs, and taking advantage of free financial counseling and planning benefits. By doing so, workers can better prepare for the financial and personal impacts of retirement before it’s too late.”

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