
Shattering the insurtech glass ceiling

Shattering the insurtech glass ceiling

Insurance News


For Margo Giles (pictured), her story isn’t just about breaking through the glass ceiling, it’s a great lesson in how to embrace femininity in a male-dominated sector. As CEO of Irys — and a speaker at IB’s Women in Insurance Summit — she said that from the beginning of her career the male-to-female ratio was way off.

“At the beginning of my career, it was clear that there weren’t a lot of (women),” she told IB.

If anyone should know the importance of standing up for fellow women, it’s Giles. A pioneer in the insurtech space, Giles has received awards including Insurtech CEO of the Year and Inspiring Woman in FinTech of 2023. She is also a regular contributor to and a founding member of Six Women in Insurance Groups.

In combating a lack of diversity, Giles’ challenge was twofold: Not only did she have to establish her authority in traditionally male-dominated spaces, she also had to navigate a minefield of preconceived notions about women in leadership roles. Her strategy? A combination of precision, mystery and passion for women’s empowerment.

“Even if I’m a man, as a risk advisor, and then a technology provider, I’m stepping into someone else’s space and telling them how to do that job better — which really puts you at odds. I think coming in as a woman was a little frustrating a lot of times, But I had my trick.

One such trick involved signing her name as M Giles – not Mrs or Ms – which kept her correspondence deliberately ambiguous.

“Through our correspondence, they will create whatever version of M. Giles they want in their heads,” she said. “By the time we’d meet or talk on the phone, I had already established myself and the relationship — which allowed me to move past a lot of unconscious bias. Plus, I secretly loved the shock in their voice when they found out I was a woman.”

At the upcoming Women in Insurance Summit, Giles will speak in an exclusive conversation about how to accelerate your career through authenticity. Here, all attendees will gain invaluable insights into how to turn weaknesses into superpowers, and align career goals with unique interests.

And in this, Giles is the expert. Its leadership ethos extends beyond mere tactics; It’s rooted in a deep belief in the power of personal branding. In an era where corporate and personal identities increasingly intersect, Giles continues to stand firm on the importance of USP.

“I always advocate on my social media to focus on your personal brand,” she said. “I think people get the idea of ​​an influencer, which is big sunglasses and stupid clothes – but that’s just society’s version. The most important thing a leader can have is influence. It can shape someone’s work day – how they feel about their job or how proud they are With the work they do, you need a personal brand that extends beyond your company identity.”

By this, Giles means that often times, you will see organizations trying to merge separate identities to become one. Although this is a nice idea, this often means that both brands lose their uniqueness and some of their overall impact.

“You’re renting your title, your brand is not your job title,” Giles said. “Those two things have to be separated — because you’re moving on from this title, and you’re probably moving on from this company — but creating your brand and being authentic to it is very beneficial, for women especially.”

Instead, it’s about influence, Giles said, and not just the kind you can buy, but the kind that shapes perceptions, guides interactions, and fosters trust.

“I will always advocate for women in particular to have that authentic identity and that brand outside of their work,” she said. “Even though we’re all racing to the top of the corporate ladder, (this is still) very important.”

There’s still time to register for the IB Women in Insurance Summit, and gain exclusive insights into changing your career – take a look at our agenda and book your place here.

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