
What trends are impacting driver risk management?

What trends are impacting driver risk management?

Engine and fleet

Written by Abigail Adriatico

The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research released a report, in partnership with cloud risk management solutions SambaSafety, that examines trends impacting driver risk management.

In its report, titled “2024 Driver Risk Report: Key Trends Shaping Automated Mobility,” it found that the average violation rate for drivers in the United States and Canada was 27% in 2022.

Meanwhile, the top three violations in 2021 and 2022 in the Pacific Southwest and Midwest regions of the United States were all speeding-related. The age group of drivers that recorded the highest violation rate in 2022 is the age group from 26 to 35 years, with a rate of 33.9%.

To compile its findings, the report used the SambaSafety IT repository, Vehicle Records (MVR), and Compliance, Safety and Accountability (CSA) data, which provided feedback on drivers’ risks.

“Our extensive network uncovers driving insights from more than 3,000 integrated data sources, providing unparalleled insight into driving behaviors,” said Rich Lacey, chief product officer at Samba Safety.

He noted that the company will launch the Samba Safety Risk Index later this month, which will allow customers to access a comprehensive risk score. This will provide a comprehensive view of driver and fleet risk profiles.

“This feature will simplify how companies can detect and reduce common risks identified in the 2024 Driver Risk Report,” Lacey said.

Head of Academy at the National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research, Noelle Codispoti, said the partnership with SambaSafety demonstrated the Alliance’s commitment when it comes to developing the industry’s understanding of risk.

“The findings in this report will serve as a critical resource for insurance professionals seeking to navigate the complexities of driver risk management in today’s dynamic environment,” Codispoti said.

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