
WiRe announces new appointments to the Board of Directors

WiRe announces new appointments to the Board of Directors

re Insurance

By Jonalyn Cueto

Women in Reinsurance (WiRe) has announced four new board appointments, including Natasha Scotland-Corsi, CEO and General Counsel at Athene Bermuda, who has been named WiRe Woman of the Year.

The organization affirms its dedication to supporting and advancing women in the reinsurance industry, and is making changes to the Board of Directors to align with its updated vision, purpose and values ​​statement. in Royal Gazette According to the report, the move is described as underscoring WiRe’s commitment to promoting professional development, networking and diversity among its members.

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The additional new directors, who previously served on the Events Committee and will join the existing Board of Directors which includes Carmen De Silva from QBE Bermuda; Susan Smith of Ark Insurance LLC; Julia Mather of Falcon Insurance PCC Limited; and Mamoun Rajeh of Arch Worldwide Reinsurance Group, including Kira Hodsall, Assistant Director of Operations at Ariel Re; Sylvia Taylor, reinsurance accountant at Martello Re; and Marilyn Ramlal, Senior Underwriter at MS Re.

Peta White, President of WiRe and President of Vantage Risk, welcomed the announcement, noting that the new Board members bring to the Board an invaluable passion for the organization’s new strategic direction. “This expansion reflects our commitment to inclusion and excellence, ensuring WiRe continues to be a vibrant and supportive community,” White said.

Carmen De Silva, Director of WiRe and Vice President – ​​Specialist Underwriter at QBE Bermuda, noted that the event committee had morphed into the Executive Committee. She said this change recognizes the extensive work the team does across WiRe’s four pillars: Outreach and Mentoring, Education and Development, Media and Communications, and Treasury and Sponsorship.

“Each member of the Board will be responsible for overseeing these pillars and ensuring that our vision, purpose and values ​​are the driving force behind all decisions,” DeSilva said.

Women in Reinsurance (WiRe) was founded in 2008 to support the development and advancement of women in the reinsurance industry. Its membership includes women from various companies and regulatory bodies. WiRe’s vision is to uplift and support women, with the aim of enhancing their professional development in the reinsurance industry in Bermuda.

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